Thursday, February 27, 2014

Our New Reception Logo Sign

Well, it's official.
We finally have a Logo Sign in our reception area. Since 1979, we've been waiting :)
Thank you to Liz Broxterman, designer extraordinaire! Liz would probably prefer that we closed that door!

The above is a glass planel with 0.25" thick Rubiniumine  and Platinumium Logo.
The hardware shown is phenomenally popular, and really does a nice job of finishing a sign.
The advantages of a moveable Logo sign are apparent. Have Sign, Will Travel :)

I'd also like to mention that MacGraphics was one of the lucky 46,000 Bell WebHosting customers that was hacked. If any readers experience difficulties with this blog, could you please mention it in the comments? I have no idea what we'll actually do, other than stamp our mouse or something.

Anyway, hooray for Logo Signage in Reception! We've had this Logo since 1987 or so, when Eugene at IndustriArt designed it for us. It wears well, in my completely biased opinion !

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