Monday, June 16, 2014

More Recent Installations in Aluminum

Sorry I haven't been posting much.
The CEO of our MegaCorporation has been retired since 1999. You do the math :)
His health has been hard on our worktimes, at times? Does that make sense?

Anyway, we're still here, still blogging, and still enjoying the sign business. I just wish it was possible to add some more hours to the day.
HOWever, keep in mind that once every 10 months, we have a brief period of time known as summer weather. This occurs occasionally in March, April, May, June, July and August. And September. And October.
Snow can also happen during all of those months, excluding July and August. SO far!
The point being?
Summer Holiday Hours are here, which means we will be short-staffed here and there.

Fridays, especially before a long weekend, we will close at noon.
Don't forget, we are ALWAYS available by e-mail, and will always look after our customers needs, no matter what the weather :)

Back to our regularly scheduled PICTURES of recent installations! Thank you for reading!!

Glass BackPlate, Fancy Fixings, Painted Acrylic Logo

Brushed & Polished Aluminum Logo on Glass Panel

Brushed and Custom Painted Aluminum Logo on Reception Wall

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