Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Well, I DID warn you, now didn't I?

The office will close daily, at 3pm, for the next two weeks.
We will be open daily from 7am to 3 pm.
Our regular office hours will return in two weeks. (7am to 5pm).

I'm still deciding what to do about this coming "long weekend", where the statutory holiday is on TUESDAY.
I mean, c'mon, who wants to work the Monday? Show of hands, Canada?!
Anyway, we may close the office on Monday, but we will (always) be open via e-mail, and cellular, which you'll be provided with when you e-mail us.
Sign emergencies are rare in the summer, but that doesn't mean they don't happen :)

More new stuff, too.

Digitally Printed Artwork, Satin Silver TRAX Directory, Silk-screened

Satin Silver TRAX Door Sign, Silk-screened two-colour

Remember, we aren't professional photographers. We leave that to the professionals.

AND, almost forgot, a very special anniversary is coming soon.
Stay tuned, thanks for reading!

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