Monday, July 21, 2014

ChChChCh Changes are coming!

with thanks to David Bowie :)
Thanks to our customers, we were very busy helping them with their changes.
Logos, that is. Really cool painted acrylic Logo work, kept ourselves very busy. Canadians LOVE busy.
Almost as much as we like to say we're sorry, we say we're busy. And we ARE :)
To combat the cold weather of the frozen North, of course :)
Here's some painted acrylic work, recently done. Another non-professional picture! Sorry, Dan!

We're working on our new web-site (thanks, Dan!), because we're completely tired and bored with the old one. So, we're getting really excited to see it up and running, just in time for...
A milestone, in any business!

Anyway, stay tuned.
OH, in case you hadn't noticed...

Summer weather is here!!
Two months, people. Time to enjoy a bit of this beautiful sunshine!

Congratulations to Rory McIlroy, well played, lad.
Well played.

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