Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hello Toshiba!

I know it's been a long time since I posted, but hey, things have been busy.
Signs (delivered on time) are our claim to fame and notsomuch fortune, thusly my typing time is limited to whenever my hands recover (wiggles thumbs). Well, maybe not my thumbs, they do tend to hold up the useless lot of eight fingers, so my thumbs never really recover anymore. Wouldn't it be nice to have four thumbs, is all I'm saying.
Maybe all the thumbing people are doing with all those hand-held devices will spark an evolutionary mark-up.

We had a lot of fun doing the vinyl graphics and acrylic display posters with fancy hardware fixings, for Toshiba's new and amazing medical equipment, which I won't even try to pretend to explain.

I just hope it doesn't hurt :)

Signing out!

darnit, that's twice I've forgotten the PS.
ps. I tried the new WP blog thing, not ready to grow into another system yet. Soon, Dan, soon!

Check out our new Web-Site, please? I think it's fabulous, myself.

Our New Web Presence!

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