Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wait, it's 2023??

 Time sure flies in the sign business! Lots of signs have been completed, lots of happy customers, and a team that is on holidays as I type!

I'M not on holidays, but hey, they're over-rated anyway...

More pretty pictures of signs, because....


Signing out!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

And here we are again

 Sorry folks, March of 2020 hit us hard in Ontario.

We are still here, and yes, still making signs :)

Here's a few examples...

Sunday, December 1, 2019

40 Years OLD-(ish)

Hello, everyone
Sorry for the lack of posts, it's been a busy couple of years!
We turned 40 in August, and it seems we've busier than ever, all thanks to our fabulous customers!

We've been making ( I know, big surprise) lots and lots of signs, and that is, after all, what we do.
Here'a few pictures of our latest work.

That's all for now, thanks for visiting, we'll be back, hopefully before another 40 years have passed :)

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Summer and (gasp) Holidays!!

Hello, folks!
Happy start of the summer holiday season!!
We have a big announcement to make.
For the first time in 39 years, we are going to close for two weeks, for our summer holidays.
From July 23 to Aug. 6, inclusive, we will be closed.
We will re-open August 7, 2018.
Emergency requirements will be dealt with, if at all possible.
Have a fabulous summer, everyone!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Lasered Wood Plaque

I know, I know. I LOVE lasering wood, okay?
This is a beautiful piece of 0.5" thick cherry, grown/sawed/hand-cut in Canada at the Horseless Carriage Museum.  Laser-marked by MacGraphics.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Woodn't you like to laser some wood?

I sure do!

Here's to the end of January, days getting longer, and a smell of burning wood in the shop!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Fun with Wood

I think I've mentioned this before. We LOVE lasering wood, it's like having your own personal camp-fire smell in the shop. Here's some maple cutting boards, done for a customer in Bermuda.
Now, to get that darned passport, so I can leave the country some day...
Winter is making itself known around here, and I am SO not ready. Then again, is one ever ready for sub-zero temps, blizzards, bad driving/drivers and the most dreaded of all, freezing rain?
Not ME.

So, lasering wood keeps us warm :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Metalworks Studios Logo Work

How coool is that?

Abigail, our wonderful LaserMarking Machine, produced this textural, detailed logo with ease.

Our customer, Metalworks Studios in Mississauga, Ontario was very pleased!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

MacGraphics Makes the Six O'Clock News !!

Thank you for listening, City TV!

We have been getting mail daily, ever since!

Our National TV Debut !

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Hello Toshiba!

I know it's been a long time since I posted, but hey, things have been busy.
Signs (delivered on time) are our claim to fame and notsomuch fortune, thusly my typing time is limited to whenever my hands recover (wiggles thumbs). Well, maybe not my thumbs, they do tend to hold up the useless lot of eight fingers, so my thumbs never really recover anymore. Wouldn't it be nice to have four thumbs, is all I'm saying.
Maybe all the thumbing people are doing with all those hand-held devices will spark an evolutionary mark-up.

We had a lot of fun doing the vinyl graphics and acrylic display posters with fancy hardware fixings, for Toshiba's new and amazing medical equipment, which I won't even try to pretend to explain.

I just hope it doesn't hurt :)

Signing out!

darnit, that's twice I've forgotten the PS.
ps. I tried the new WP blog thing, not ready to grow into another system yet. Soon, Dan, soon!

Check out our new Web-Site, please? I think it's fabulous, myself.

Our New Web Presence!

Monday, July 21, 2014

ChChChCh Changes are coming!

with thanks to David Bowie :)
Thanks to our customers, we were very busy helping them with their changes.
Logos, that is. Really cool painted acrylic Logo work, kept ourselves very busy. Canadians LOVE busy.
Almost as much as we like to say we're sorry, we say we're busy. And we ARE :)
To combat the cold weather of the frozen North, of course :)
Here's some painted acrylic work, recently done. Another non-professional picture! Sorry, Dan!

We're working on our new web-site (thanks, Dan!), because we're completely tired and bored with the old one. So, we're getting really excited to see it up and running, just in time for...
A milestone, in any business!

Anyway, stay tuned.
OH, in case you hadn't noticed...

Summer weather is here!!
Two months, people. Time to enjoy a bit of this beautiful sunshine!

Congratulations to Rory McIlroy, well played, lad.
Well played.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Recent Installations in Brushed Stainless Steel

What a summer we've had, wow. Every weekend has been nice and sunny and hot, for an entire month?! THANK you, weather.
My furnace thanks you. My wallet thanks you, My DOGS thank you.

Anyway, here's what the title above is about.
This is acid-etched Brushed Stainless Steel, colour-filled. Our sign is on top, as it should be:)
We didn't manufacture the black sign, although we could have...
For exterior use, and oh, MY. (wait for it)
Ridiculously durable.
Sort of like our CEO :)

 Thanks for reading, have a great week!
signing out.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Well, I DID warn you, now didn't I?

The office will close daily, at 3pm, for the next two weeks.
We will be open daily from 7am to 3 pm.
Our regular office hours will return in two weeks. (7am to 5pm).

I'm still deciding what to do about this coming "long weekend", where the statutory holiday is on TUESDAY.
I mean, c'mon, who wants to work the Monday? Show of hands, Canada?!
Anyway, we may close the office on Monday, but we will (always) be open via e-mail, and cellular, which you'll be provided with when you e-mail us.
Sign emergencies are rare in the summer, but that doesn't mean they don't happen :)

More new stuff, too.

Digitally Printed Artwork, Satin Silver TRAX Directory, Silk-screened

Satin Silver TRAX Door Sign, Silk-screened two-colour

Remember, we aren't professional photographers. We leave that to the professionals.

AND, almost forgot, a very special anniversary is coming soon.
Stay tuned, thanks for reading!

Monday, June 16, 2014

More Recent Installations in Aluminum

Sorry I haven't been posting much.
The CEO of our MegaCorporation has been retired since 1999. You do the math :)
His health has been hard on our worktimes, at times? Does that make sense?

Anyway, we're still here, still blogging, and still enjoying the sign business. I just wish it was possible to add some more hours to the day.
HOWever, keep in mind that once every 10 months, we have a brief period of time known as summer weather. This occurs occasionally in March, April, May, June, July and August. And September. And October.
Snow can also happen during all of those months, excluding July and August. SO far!
The point being?
Summer Holiday Hours are here, which means we will be short-staffed here and there.

Fridays, especially before a long weekend, we will close at noon.
Don't forget, we are ALWAYS available by e-mail, and will always look after our customers needs, no matter what the weather :)

Back to our regularly scheduled PICTURES of recent installations! Thank you for reading!!

Glass BackPlate, Fancy Fixings, Painted Acrylic Logo

Brushed & Polished Aluminum Logo on Glass Panel

Brushed and Custom Painted Aluminum Logo on Reception Wall

Monday, April 14, 2014

Recent Installations

A array of beautiful artwork, digitally printed and applied to a painted wall.

Brushed Stainless "Standing" Letters, on a steel canopy.

Cut-out Brushed/Polished Aluminum Logo.

All very different, all very attractive, with thanks to great designers !

Sunday, March 23, 2014

In the Key of Brush Stainless Steel

For Heeeeeenan Blaikie. Thanks for your business!

I wonder if that line-up is secret code in some language, human or computerwise.
All 0.25" thick Brush Stainless Cut-outs. Trés durable. Trés, trés.

signing out.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Glass, Glass and more Glass

I KNOW I just posted this, but it's so PRETTY !!!

We've had some interesting weather situations this year in Toronto, and all of us at MacGraphics would like to extend a grateful thank you to all of our customers for your patience with any delivery delays.

We try not to stress out our couriers too much :)
Or me, for that matter. I do drive to work, and I prefer not to white-knuckle my way home anymore.
Not that my preferences are listened to...

My hope is that the weather situations are over.
Are you listening, Winter??
Apparently not. Snow is forecasted for this weekend.

Look at the pretty glass signs !!

Signing out.